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级别: 嘉宾

精华: 30
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                    The UNIX Hierarchy



      + insecure with the concept of a terminal
      + has yet to learn the basics of vi
      + has not figured out how to get a directory
      + still has trouble with typing &ltRETURN> after each line of


      + knows tha `ls' will produce a directory
      + uses the editor, but calls it `vye'
      + has heard of `C' but never used it
      + has had his first bad experience with rm
      + is wondering how to read his mail
      + is wondering why the person next to him seems to like Unix so
        very much.


      + uses vi and nroff, but inexpertly
      + has heard of regular-expr.s but never seen one.
      + has figured out that `-' precedes options
      + has attempted to write a C program and has decided to stick
        with pascal
      + is wondering how to move a directory
      + thinks that dbx is a brand of stereo component
      + knows how to read his mail and is wondering how to read the

  knowlegable user

      + uses nroff with no trouble, and is beginning to learn tbl and
      + uses grep to search for fixed strings
      + has figured out that mv(1) will move directories
      + has learned that "learn" doesn't help
      + somebody has shown him how to write C programs
      + once used sed to do some text substitution
      + has seen dbx used but does not use it himself
      + thinks that make is a only for wimps


      + uses sed when necessary
      + uses macro's in vi, uses ex when neccesary
      + posts news at every possible opportunity
      + write csh scripts occasionally
      + write C programs using vi and compiles with cc
      + has figured out what `&&' and '||' are for
      + thinks that human history started with '!h'


      + uses sed and awk with comfort
      + uses undocumented features of vi
      + write C code with `cat >' and compiles with '!cc'
      + uses adb because he doesn't trust source debuggers
      + can answer questions about the user environment
      + writes his own nroff macros to supplement std. ones
      + write scripts for Bourne shell (/bin/sh)
      + knows how to install bug fixes


      + uses m4 and lex with comfort
      + writes assembly code with `cat >'
      + uses adb on the kernel while system is loaded
      + customizes utilities by patching the source
      + reads device driver source with his breakfast
      + can answer any unix question after a little thought
      + uses make for anything that requires two or more distinct
        commands to achieve
      + has learned how to breach security but no longer needs to try


      + writes device drivers with `cat >'
      + fixes bugs by patching the binaries
      + can answer any question before you ask
      + writes his own troff macro packages
      + is on first-name basis with Dennis, Bill, and Ken

Posted: 2004-05-02 00:02 | [楼 主]
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