本页主题: [求助]装了SP2后BT&eMule下载慢如蜗牛 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 侠客

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威望: 11 点
金钱: 158 静电币
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我是个人使用电信8M全速ADSL用户,外置ADSL Modem 接网卡,使用XP自带PPPoE拨号,外网

使用SP2自带防火墙、BitComet 0.55、eMule 0.43b Build0722(VeryCD)


装SP2之后BT只有60KB/s左右 、eMule则不到40KB/s……#——$%…………


[ 此贴被7777hp在2004-09-17 06:58重新编辑 ]

Posted: 2004-09-17 06:35 | [楼 主]
级别: 嘉宾

精华: 30
发帖: 2139
威望: 1382 点
金钱: 0 静电币
支持度: 0 点


from slashdot


One of the changes in SP2 was a rate limiting / queing behavior for the number of current sockets in the SYN/opening state.

In other words, suppose you have an app which tries to open 30 tcp sockets simultaneously. Some of them will get delayed by the OS.

This is to try and thwart the speed of worms or DDoS programs - which very often try and create a zillion tcp connections that never end up connecting.

Unfortuneately, it has the side effect of hurting some p2p apps (like bittorrent) and some web browsing configurations...especially if you've changed the registry value that sets the # of simultaneous socket connections IE will make to the same site. The default is like 3 or 4, but if you upped it to say, 20, and then hit a site that had 30 images all on the same server... it is likely that some of your http requests will get queued until other connect() attempts complete the handshake.

Does it suck that this is affecting some browser and other scenarios ? Yes. The topic is under discussion internally at microsoft.

The _intent_ was to try and slow down the spread of worms/ddos attacks in the event a machine got compromised....a good goal to have i think anyone would agree..

The implementation, however, does have disadvantages

If you decide to try SP2 again, anytime the connecting socket limit is reached, an very specific/obvious event will be logged in the eventlog. If you are experiencing slower network interactive speeds, try looking in the logs to see if you're hitting it.

One mitigation, by the way, is to have a proxy (i.e. squid) on another machine.. that way your handshakes from IE resolve _Very_ fast and your sockets rapidly go from handshake to connected...thus reducing the likelihood of you hitting the queing behavior.
Posted: 2004-09-18 14:38 | 1 楼
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