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Don't use ffdshow-20050328
By: Milan Cutka on: Wed 06 of Apr, 2005 [08:11 UTC] (6029 reads)

I was notified about new ffdshow build being available. I don't know who created it, but certainly he/she did a poor job.

(1300 bytes)  

The whole package is build in Visual Studio .NET 2003 with Microsoft compiler in Release target. While this isn't bad choice for ffdshow.ax itself and several other libraries included in VS.NET solution, it's inapropriate for building libavcodec and libmplayer.dll. Those two libraries are essential for good performance of ffdshow - libavcodec for decoding/encoding most of video and audio formats and libmplayer for software scaling, many colorspaces conversions and fast mp3 decoder. When those two libraries are build by Microsoft's compiler, all hand optimized code developed to effectively use MMX, 3DNow and SSE extensions is skipped resulting in much worse performance. Use GCC from mingw packages to build them.

And even if you have fast enough computers to use such libraries, ffdshow.ax from that date contained some known bugs introduced during big changes I was making in March which were fixed soon after.

Please be patient, I'll start releasing daily builds soon.

To that unknown builder: I'm sorry for not providing more detailed and up-to-date build instructions, but next time please be so kind and ask me before you'll release ffdshow build to the public. I'll give you instructions how to build ffdshow to get best performance.


Posted: 2005-04-16 09:17 | [楼 主]
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