级别: 论坛版主

精华: 77
发帖: 2000
威望: 1725 点
金钱: 14601 静电币
支持度: 12066 点




I told you once
I did
After you´d taught me how
It was never in my beliefs
I´d ever learn to say goodbye

How do you say goodbye
How do you get free
I tried to say goodbye
But you´re still here with me

If you say you never were here
That you´ve never been seen
I wonder where we´d stand
If you had stayed in my dreams
You should have stayed in my dreams
You should have made me stop
Cause you were just a dream
Since I had given up

How do you say goodbye
How do you get free
I tried to say goodbye
But you´re still here with me

How do you say goodbye
How do you get free
I tried to say goodbye
But you´re still here with me

Posted: 2007-05-28 20:57 | [楼 主]
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